import pandas as pd
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
from torch_geometric.nn import GCNConv, GATConv
from ice.anomaly_detection.models.base import BaseAnomalyDetection
The code of Stgat-Mad is taken from:
class InputLayer(nn.Module):
"""1-D Convolution layer to extract high-level features of each time-series input
:param n_features: Number of input features/nodes
:param window_size: length of the input sequence
:param kernel_size: size of kernel to use in the convolution operation
def __init__(self, n_features, kernel_size=7):
super(InputLayer, self).__init__()
self.padding = nn.ConstantPad1d((kernel_size - 1) // 2, 0.0)
self.conv = nn.Conv1d(in_channels=n_features, out_channels=n_features, kernel_size=kernel_size)
self.relu = nn.ReLU()
def forward(self, x):
x = x.permute(0, 2, 1)
x = self.padding(x)
x = self.relu(self.conv(x))
return x.permute(0, 2, 1) # Permute back
class StgatBlock(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, n_features, window_size, dropout, embed_dim=None):
super(StgatBlock, self).__init__()
self.n_features = n_features
self.window_size = window_size
self.dropout = dropout
self.embed_dim = embed_dim if embed_dim is not None else n_features
self.embed_dim *= 2
self.feature_gat_layers = GATConv(window_size, window_size)
self.temporal_gat_layers = GATConv(n_features, n_features)
self.temporal_gcn_layers = GCNConv(n_features, n_features)
def forward(self, data, fc_edge_index, tc_edge_index):
# x shape (b, n, k): b - batch size, n - window size, k - number of features
x = data.clone().detach()
x = x.permute(0, 2, 1)
batch_num, node_num, all_feature = x.shape
x = x.reshape(-1, all_feature).contiguous()
f_out = self.feature_gat_layers(x, fc_edge_index)
f_out = F.relu(f_out)
f_out = f_out.view(batch_num, node_num, -1)
f_out = f_out.permute(0, 2, 1)
z = f_out.reshape(-1, node_num).contiguous()
t_out = self.temporal_gcn_layers(z, tc_edge_index)
t_out = F.relu(t_out)
t_out = t_out.view(batch_num, node_num, -1)
return t_out.permute(0, 2, 1)
class BiLSTMLayer(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_dim, hid_dim, n_layers, dropout):
super(BiLSTMLayer, self).__init__()
self.hid_dim = hid_dim
self.n_layers = n_layers
self.dropout = 0.0 if n_layers == 1 else dropout
self.bilstm = nn.LSTM(in_dim, hid_dim, num_layers=n_layers, batch_first=True, dropout=self.dropout, bidirectional=True)
def forward(self, x):
out, h = self.bilstm(x)
out = out.permute(1,0,2)[-1, :, :] # Extracting from last layer
return out
class BiLSTMDecoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_dim, hid_dim, n_layers, dropout):
super(BiLSTMDecoder, self).__init__()
self.in_dim = in_dim
self.dropout = 0.0 if n_layers == 1 else dropout
self.bilstm = nn.LSTM(in_dim, hid_dim, num_layers=n_layers, batch_first=True, dropout=self.dropout, bidirectional=True)
def forward(self, x):
decoder_out, _ = self.bilstm(x)
return decoder_out
class ReconstructionModel(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, window_size, in_dim, hid_dim, out_dim, n_layers, dropout):
super(ReconstructionModel, self).__init__()
self.window_size = window_size
self.decoder = BiLSTMDecoder(in_dim, hid_dim, n_layers, dropout)
self.fc = nn.Linear(2 * hid_dim, out_dim)
def forward(self, x):
# x will be last hidden state of the GRU layer
h_end = x
h_end_rep = h_end.repeat_interleave(self.window_size, dim=1).view(x.size(0), self.window_size, -1)
decoder_out = self.decoder(h_end_rep)
out = self.fc(decoder_out)
return out
def get_batch_edge_index(org_edge_index, batch_num, node_num):
# org_edge_index:(2, edge_num)
edge_index = org_edge_index.clone().detach()
edge_num = org_edge_index.shape[1]
batch_edge_index = edge_index.repeat(1,batch_num).contiguous()
for i in range(batch_num):
batch_edge_index[:, i*edge_num:(i+1)*edge_num] += i*node_num
return batch_edge_index.long()
# graph is 'fully-connect'
def get_fc_graph_struc(n_features):
edge_indices = torch.tensor([[i, j] for j in range(n_features) for i in range(n_features) if i != j])
return edge_indices.T.contiguous()
def get_tc_graph_struc(temporal_len):
edge_indices = torch.tensor([[i, j] for j in range(temporal_len) for i in range(j)])
return edge_indices.T.contiguous()
class STGAT(nn.Module):
def __init__(
super(STGAT, self).__init__()
layers1 = []
layers2 = []
layers3 = []
self.layer_numb = layer_numb
self.h_temp = []
self.input_1 = InputLayer(n_features, 1)
self.input_2 = InputLayer(n_features, 5)
self.input_3 = InputLayer(n_features, 7)
for i in range(layer_numb):
layers1 += [StgatBlock(n_features, window_size, dropout, embed_dim)]
for i in range(layer_numb):
layers2 += [StgatBlock(n_features, window_size, dropout, embed_dim)]
for i in range(layer_numb):
layers3 += [StgatBlock(n_features, window_size, dropout, embed_dim)]
self.stgat_1 = nn.Sequential(*layers1)
self.stgat_2 = nn.Sequential(*layers2)
self.stgat_3 = nn.Sequential(*layers3)
self.bilstm = BiLSTMLayer(n_features * 3, lstm_hid_dim, lstm_n_layers, dropout)
self.recon_model = ReconstructionModel(window_size, 2 * lstm_hid_dim, recon_hid_dim, n_features, recon_n_layers, dropout)
# Register as buffers so that tensors are moved to the correct device along with the rest of the model
self.register_buffer('fc_edge_index', get_fc_graph_struc(n_features), persistent=False)
self.register_buffer('tc_edge_index', get_tc_graph_struc(window_size), persistent=False)
def forward(self, x):
# x shape (b, n, k): b - batch size, n - window size, k - number of features
fc_edge_index_sets = get_batch_edge_index(self.fc_edge_index, x.shape[0], x.shape[2])
tc_edge_index_sets = get_batch_edge_index(self.tc_edge_index, x.shape[0], x.shape[1])
x_1 = x
x_2 = self.input_2(x)
x_3 = self.input_3(x)
for layer in range(self.layer_numb):
if layer==0:
h_cat_1 = x_1 + self.stgat_1[layer](x_1, fc_edge_index_sets, tc_edge_index_sets)
h_cat_2 = x_2 + self.stgat_2[layer](x_2, fc_edge_index_sets, tc_edge_index_sets)
h_cat_3 = x_3 + self.stgat_3[layer](x_3, fc_edge_index_sets, tc_edge_index_sets)
h_cat_1 = h_cat_1 + self.stgat_1[layer](h_cat_1, fc_edge_index_sets, tc_edge_index_sets)
h_cat_2 = h_cat_2 + self.stgat_2[layer](h_cat_2, fc_edge_index_sets, tc_edge_index_sets)
h_cat_3 = h_cat_3 + self.stgat_3[layer](h_cat_3, fc_edge_index_sets, tc_edge_index_sets)
h_cat =[h_cat_1, h_cat_2, h_cat_3], dim=2)
out_end = self.bilstm(h_cat)
h_end = out_end.view(x.shape[0], -1) # Hidden state for last timestamp
recons = self.recon_model(h_end)
return recons
[docs]class STGAT_MAD(BaseAnomalyDetection):
Stgat-Mad was presented at ICASSP 2022: "Stgat-Mad : Spatial-Temporal Graph
Attention Network For Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection".
def __init__(
window_size: int,
stride: int = 1,
batch_size: int = 128,
lr: float = 0.001,
num_epochs: int = 10,
device: str = 'cpu',
verbose: bool = False,
name: str = 'stgat_anomaly_detection',
random_seed: int = 42,
val_ratio: float = 0.15,
save_checkpoints: bool = False,
threshold_level: float = 0.95,
embed_dim: int = None,
layer_numb: int = 2,
lstm_n_layers: int = 1,
lstm_hid_dim: int = 150,
recon_n_layers: int = 1,
recon_hid_dim: int = 150,
dropout: float = 0.2
window_size (int): The window size to train the model.
stride (int): The time interval between first points of consecutive
sliding windows in training.
batch_size (int): The batch size to train the model.
lr (float): The larning rate to train the model.
num_epochs (float): The number of epochs to train the model.
device (str): The name of a device to train the model. `cpu` and
`cuda` are possible.
verbose (bool): If true, show the progress bar in training.
name (str): The name of the model for artifact storing.
random_seed (int): Seed for random number generation to ensure reproducible results.
val_ratio (float): Proportion of the dataset used for validation, between 0 and 1.
save_checkpoints (bool): If true, store checkpoints.
threshold_level (float): Takes a value from 0 to 1. It specifies
the quantile in the distribution of errors on the training
dataset at which the threshold value is set.
embed_dim (int) : Embedding dimension.
layer_numb (int) : Number of layers.
lstm_n_layers (int) : Number of LSTM layers.
lstm_hid_dim (int) : Hidden dimension of LSTM layers.
recon_n_layers (int) : Number of reconstruction layers.
recon_hid_dim (int) : Hidden dimension of reconstruction layers.
dropout (float) : The rate of dropout.
window_size, stride, batch_size, lr, num_epochs, device, verbose, name, random_seed,
val_ratio, save_checkpoints, threshold_level
self.embed_dim = embed_dim
self.layer_numb = layer_numb
self.lstm_n_layers = lstm_n_layers
self.lstm_hid_dim = lstm_hid_dim
self.recon_n_layers = recon_n_layers
self.recon_hid_dim = recon_hid_dim
self.dropout = dropout
_param_conf_map = dict(BaseAnomalyDetection._param_conf_map,
"layer_numb": ["MODEL", "LAYER_NUMB"],
"lstm_n_layers": ["MODEL", "LSTM_N_LAYERS"],
"lstm_hid_dim": ["MODEL", "LSTM_HID_DIM"],
"recon_n_layers": ["MODEL", "RECON_N_LAYERS"],
"recon_hid_dim": ["MODEL", "RECON_HID_DIM"],
"dropout": ["MODEL", "DROPOUT"]
def _create_model(self, input_dim: int, output_dim: int):
self.model = STGAT(