Source code for ice.remaining_useful_life_estimation.metrics

import numpy as np

[docs]def rmse(pred: list, target: list) -> float: """ Root mean squared error between real and predicted remaining useful life values. Args: pred (list): numpy prediction values. target (list): numpy target values. Returns: float: rmse """ return float(np.sqrt(np.mean((pred - target) ** 2)))
[docs]def nonsimmetric_function(value): """ Exponent calculation function depending on the relative deviation from the true value Args: value (float): division result between predicted and real values. Returns: float: calculation result """ return float(np.exp((-value / 13)) - 1 if value < 0 else np.exp((value / 10)) - 1)
[docs]def cmapss_score(pred: list, target: list) -> float: """ Non-simmetric metric proposed in the original dataset paper. DOI: 10.1109/PHM.2008.4711414 Args: pred (list): numpy prediction values. target (list): numpy target values. Returns: float: cmapss score function """ function = np.vectorize(nonsimmetric_function) return float(np.sum(function(pred - target)))