Fault diagnosis datasets#

class ice.fault_diagnosis.datasets.FaultDiagnosisReinartzTEP(num_chunks=None, force_download=False)[source]#

Bases: BaseDataset

Dataset of Tennessee Eastman Process based on the paper Reinartz, C., Kulahci, M., & Ravn, O. (2021). An extended Tennessee Eastman simulation dataset for fault-detection and decision support systems. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 149, 107281. https://web.mit.edu/braatzgroup/links.html.

  • num_chunks (int) – If given, download only num_chunks chunks of data. Used for testing purposes.

  • force_download (bool) – If True, download the dataset even if it exists.

This method has to be implemented by all children. Set name and public link.

class ice.fault_diagnosis.datasets.FaultDiagnosisRiethTEP(num_chunks=None, force_download=False)[source]#

Bases: BaseDataset

Dataset of Tennessee Eastman Process dataset Rieth, C. A., Amsel, B. D., Tran, R., & Cook, M. B. (2017). Additional Tennessee Eastman Process Simulation Data for Anomaly Detection Evaluation (Version V1) [Computer software]. Harvard Dataverse. https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/6C3JR1.

  • num_chunks (int) – If given, download only num_chunks chunks of data. Used for testing purposes.

  • force_download (bool) – If True, download the dataset even if it exists.

This method has to be implemented by all children. Set name and public link.

class ice.fault_diagnosis.datasets.FaultDiagnosisSmallTEP(num_chunks=None, force_download=False)[source]#

Bases: BaseDataset

Cropped version of Tennessee Eastman Process dataset Rieth, C. A., Amsel, B. D., Tran, R., & Cook, M. B. (2017). Additional Tennessee Eastman Process Simulation Data for Anomaly Detection Evaluation (Version V1) [Computer software]. Harvard Dataverse. https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/6C3JR1.

  • num_chunks (int) – If given, download only num_chunks chunks of data. Used for testing purposes.

  • force_download (bool) – If True, download the dataset even if it exists.

This method has to be implemented by all children. Set name and public link.